WEBINAR – Understanding Speech Therapy

2nd December 2021, from 4:00pm – 4:30pm

Bringing the Workplace to Health and Social Care Students in FE Colleges

Presenting this webinar, Philippa Law, The Assistant Director of Technical Skills at Hugh Baird College, will be interviewing our Guest Speaker, Lizz Summers, An experienced speech & language therapist who has specialised in this area to help patients.

The webinar will help to answer a range of questions:-

  • What do Speech & Language Therapists actually do? (It’s not what you think!)
  • What’s it like to be unable to communicate?
  • A day in the life of an SLT
  • What options are available to me and how do I find out more?

Lizz Summers, An experienced speech & language therapist

Lizz is a Lecturer in Speech and Language Therapy at City University of London, specialising in Voice and Head & Neck Oncology. She completed a Clinical Research Masters at City, investigating the lived experience of communicating with tracheoesophageal speech (a voice prosthesis) in everyday life after laryngectomy. She is also Consulting SLT for the laryngectomy charity Shout at Cancer (www.shoutatcancer.org), and helped establish the world’s first Laryngectomee Choir.

To register for you and your students to be a part of the Managing Incontinence Webinar on 2nd December 2021, from 4:00pm – 4:30pm at a total cost of £500, please use the following registration form or if you have any questions please contact 01202 006 677.


    You are completing this form to entitle all of your Health and Social Care students to attend the Managing Incontinence Webinar that takes place on 2nd December 2021 from 4pm - 4.50pm.

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