Webinar -Termination and Abortion

11th November 2021 – 4:00pm – 4:50pm

Bringing the Workplace to Health and Social Care Students in FE Colleges

This webinar will provide an understanding of the different perspectives for termination and abortion, you will gain a knowledge of the legal history and also learn how to be empathic and put yourself into the shoes of your patients.

Presenting this webinar, Philippa Law, The Assistant Director Technical Skills at Hugh Baird College will be interviewing our Guest Speaker John Spencer a retired medical professional, who has been very prominent in many fields during his profession

We will be finding out why they chose their professions and to understand some of the challenges that they faced and why they have made the decisions that they do.

John Spencer

John qualified as a medical doctor from St George’s Hospital, London, in 1976. After ten years training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology he was appointed to a Medical School Consultant and Senior Clinical Lecturer post.

He spent ten years involved with teaching medical students and leading clinical research and then moved to a traditional NHS Consultant post for ten years where he built up his medico-legal practice.

After retirement from the NHS in 2006 he took up the newly created post of Senior Clinical Consultant at the independent sector Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare charity Marie Stopes International.

He was responsible for training and supervising the surgical team, and he introduced an appraisal system in preparation for the GMC revalidation program in 2012. He visited several MSI Obstetric centres in Africa, and also contributed to the training of Medicins Sans Frontieres doctors.

Dr Spencer retired from clinical practice in 2017 but continued to undertake independent sector medical appraisals until this year. He recently completed a six month attachment as a volunteer COVD-19 Vaccinator in West London.

To register for you and your students to be apart of the Termination and Abortion Webinar on 11th November 2021, from 4:00pm – 4:50pm at a total cost of £500, please use the following registration form or if you have any questions please contact 01202 006 677


    You are completing this form to entitle all of your Health and Social Care students to attend the Termination and Abortion Webinar that takes place on 11th November 2021 from 4pm - 4.50pm.

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